Legends of legaia 3
Legends of legaia 3

legends of legaia 3

A game to this day that is completely under appreciated! Although the game had enough success to spawn a sequel, the sequel didn’t really meet expectations and failed. Legend of Legaia had an amazing first installment.

legends of legaia 3

This series in my eyes had so much potential and could be something really special with a reboot! (Source: ). The legend of dragoon had a sequel in the works but was later revealed to be cancelled by Sony themselves. Level 5 actually wants to make Dark Cloud 3 but it is up to Sony to cooperate as they own the IP rights. My personal favorite being Dark Cloud 2 (Dark Chronicle). Many people still believe Dark Cloud is one of the best series ever made. The Dark Cloud series still holds a special place in many hearts today. Dark Cloud, Legend of Dragoon, and the extremely underrated Legend of Legaia are the main focus of this petition. Now it is our time to show Sony what we want! The concept of this petition is simple, we want more of our childhood favorite JRPGs.

legends of legaia 3

The PlayStation 4 has enjoyed quite the success story! With the revival of many great series such as Crash Bandicoot, Medievil, and Shadow of Colossus, Sony has shown us what they have to offer in the nostalgia department.

Legends of legaia 3